Recruitment software

Transform the way you attract and manage talent. Optimise the recruitment process and streamline hiring with our ats recruiting software.

From attraction to recruitment in a single software package

Automate your job offers from our ATS software

Our recruiting ATS allows you to create a job portal where you can publish your vacancies and have the candidates' information directly uploaded to Sesame.

Information on vacancies and candidates centralised and updated in real time

Keep track of the status of each recruitment process. Access the information you need at any stage of the recruitment process.

Managers and HR connected for a top 10 recruiting performance

Automations and mappings will help you keep the entire team involved in the employee recruitment process informed.

Candidate database for any personnel selection process

Do you like a profile that doesn't fit you right now? Our ats recruitment software allows you to keep the candidates you are interested in for future recruitments.

Attract the best candidates with a recruitment software

Personalised job portal

Tell your applicants why they should work with you. Create a job portal that you can link to your website and provide as much information about your company as you want.

Customise your recruitment process vacancies

Select and add the data you consider important about the position for the candidate and for the recruitment process.

Save time and avoid loss of candidate information

When an applicant registers Sesame will automatically create a candidate file in the corresponding recruitment process.

Organised vacancies for efficient recruitment and selection processes

Check the status of your recruitment processes at a glance

Our recruitment software allows you to have a quick overview of every open recruitment process.

Follow-up of vacancies by managers and HR

Assign managers to track your vacancies. They will be able to move candidates between columns as they progress and will receive notifications with each change.

Customisable view that adapts to the way you recruit talent

Organise the columns that correspond to each part of the recruitment process as you wish, change the names and assign colors.

Centralise candidate information for each recruitment process

Candidate profile with all available data

Stores all candidate files in the same recruitment software.

Attachments: résumé, technical tests, letters of recommendation

Archive all recruitment and selection reports of each recruitment process and its associated documentation.

Comments from managers and HR on the recruitment process

Consult the annotations made by managers at each stage of the recruitment process.

From candidate to employee in one click

When you select a candidate, you can automatically create his or her employee file with all his or her data.

Work on your employer brand and take care of every part of the process.

Centralise information and automate the hiring process

You will have at your disposal the information always updated and synchronised automatically, thus avoiding errors and loss of information.

Keep your candidates informed and involved in the selection process

Recruitment processes are part of your brand image. Keep up to date on the status of each candidate and vacancy to be able to communicate it with transparency.

Create an effective recruitment strategy

Our recruitment software allows you to focus on creating the best candidate experience to attract and retain the best talent on your team.