Payroll Variations

Your employees' payroll information ready for you to easily review and send it to your accountant

Centralised information and automated processes to save time on payroll variations

Save time reviewing and preparing payrolls

Forget about wasting time reviewing different documents and centralise all the information in a single view

Automations and updates in real time

This feature is connected to the Employee Digital File, so that whenever you update the information there, it will be updated automatically

Secure and protected payroll variations data

Internally through the viewing and editing permissions system, and externally thanks to Sesame's encryption and protection systems

All variations in one place to streamline payroll preparation


Wage supplements


Hiring and termination history

Download the payroll variations in Excel format

Export all the information related to your employees' payrolls ready to send to your accountant or your payroll manager

Automatic sending of payslips in just one click

Upload all payrolls to the Document Manager and we take care of distributing them to your employees automatically and securely in their corresponding folder. They will receive an email notification when their payroll is sent.

Permissions system: control access to payroll variations

Configure the editing or viewing permissions that users have individually or by roles. This way you can restrict their access to certain information such as payroll incidents.

Your security comes first: protected data

We know that data related to payroll is sensitive information. That's why all the data you enter or generate in Sesame is encrypted and protected.