Organisational chart

A very visual, accessible and interactive map of your company's internal organisation updated in real time

Create your company organisation chart automatically

Complete the Digital Record of your employees with the information of their position, the department they belong to and their direct manager, and Sesame will automatically place them on the map

A visual and interactive career chart with information about employees and managers

In a single view you can locate all the people in your company, along with their hierarchical position and job title. If you want to customise the view, you can expand the map by department or by team to see only what you need.

Easily visualise the results of Evaluations

The corporate organisation chart: key to internal communication in organisations

Facilitates Onboarding

Helps new hires to put a face to their new colleagues and get to know the internal structure

Information for HR and managers

Provides a visual perspective of the situation of the different departments of the company to make better decisions

Communication between employees

A source of information that your employees can use to help them to find their way around the other teams in the company