employee engagement surveys web

The best way to listen to your employees and improve their work experience

  • Send employee engagement surveys and analyse your teams’ well-being

    Send employee engagement surveys and analyse your teams’ well-being

    Assess reality and make important decisions.

  • Encourage your employees to speak freely by using work climate surveys

    Encourage your employees to speak freely by using work climate surveys

    They will feel valued and listened to.

  • Manage potential conflicts in your company and get ahead of them

    Manage potential conflicts in your company and get ahead of them

    Detect trends, prevent burnout and reduce your turnover rate.

  • Extensive employee engagement surveys with significant data

    Extensive employee engagement surveys with significant data

    Relevant information and more engaged employees.

employee- engagement survey software

Pulse surveys

Measure your team’s satisfaction regularly with simple questionnaires

  • Quick and easy to answer engagement surveys

    Quick and easy to answer engagement surveys

    Daily or weekly indicators about your company’s environment.

  • Customise the questions and possible answers to your questionnaires

    Customise the questions and possible answers to your questionnaires

    Up to seven different options to receive information.

  • Set up your own questionnaires or use preset templates

    Set up your own questionnaires or use preset templates

    Fast and anonymous feedback with just one click both in your dashboard and in your app.

  • Know your team's opinion on any topic

    Know your team's opinion on any topic

    Versatility and multiple possibilities.

Know the evolution of your staff using a line graph that shows their responses over a period of time

Detects potential conflicts

Analyse situations with room for improvement

Several indicators

Work climate, eNPS, Engagement, Burnout...

employee engagement surveys graphic

Measure performance

Assess your team’s evolution in the company and their work experience

Evolutionary graph

Your company’s health in a line graph

The potential of People Analytics for your team's wellbeing

  • Compare


    Cross-check data among workplaces and departments

  • Visual graphics

    Visual graphics

    The employee engagement survey through visual graphs.

  • Analyse in detail

    Analyse in detail

    A deeper vision of work climate surveys.

  • Think ahead

    Think ahead

    Reach where others do not, thanks to the power of data.